Have you wasted time on a mentoring relationship which proved to be ineffective and fizzled out into being just the occasional coffee?
Or have you perhaps ended up in a mentoring relationship that lacks boundaries or purpose but haven’t known how to change it?
Maybe you’ve tried to introduce a mentoring scheme for your Chambers or Bar Association but didn’t really know where to start?
If you’d like things to be different the next time you want to mentor or be mentored, then this short online course could be for you.
Practical Strategies for Barristers as Mentors or Mentees
In 4 modules of no more than 15 minutes each you will get bite-sized pointers and strategies that really work so that you can create your own toolkit.
Whether you are a prospective mentor, prospective mentee or the volunteer pulling together a mentoring scheme, this is the place to start.

What modules are included?
1. What mentoring is and why should you care
- Clarity round what mentoring is and what it isn’t
- The benefits from mentoring when it goes well
- How it can go wrong without proper planning
2. How to find a mentor and set up the relationship for success
- Finding a mentor/mentee and matching within
a scheme - How to maintain purpose and momentum
- Contracting – agreeing boundaries and
3. Who does what to ensure success – roles of the mentor and mentee
- The key features of a successful mentoring relationship
- Strategies for effective learning
- Role of mentor and mentee
4. Ending a mentoring relationship well
- Ending the mentoring relationship
- Feedback
- Reflection
From Barrister/Coach/Trainer Cath Brown of Skilful Conversation
I practised as a barrister for 15 years and have spent the last 8 years as a coach, mentor and trainer. I have a Diploma from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council in Professional Coaching and Mentoring and I am passionate about bringing the best bits from the world of professional development to my colleagues at the bar (with none of the fluff).
I have delivered workshops on mentoring in barristers’ chambers and for Lincolns Inn and have tailored this course specifically for those who want to succeed at mentoring or being mentored but haven’t managed that so far.

If my ‘How to Mentor and be Mentored for Barristers and Chambers’ course sounds like it might be for you, you can purchase it here for immediate access.
Training Course FAQs
As you probably know, the BSB no longer accredit specific courses for CPD, instead placing the onus on the practitioner to make a decision as to whether the course contents are relevant to their practice. As a practitioner, you might feel that this course meets that requirement.
If I haven’t included a question that suits you, please get in touch and let me know: cathbrown@skilfulconversation.com